Share this post and help spread the love!Do you constantly feel there’s something missing in your understanding of internet marketing or network marketing? Do you feel there’s a secret somewhere that’s not been revealed to you yet? You know the feeling. Everyone says everything is so easy, yet somehow you never get the results they talk about or the money they promise? What the Gurus aren’t Telling You What is this is that the gurus aren’t telling you? What the Gurus aren’t Telling You Well, most of the gurus in both internet marketing and network marketing have a product to sell. So, naturally they try to sell you that product. Many of them put out a product every month or two.. so they also try to get you to buy them too. One thing they don’t tell you, is the more products you buy, generally the more confused, or overwhelmed you get. Many people call this the “shiny object” or “shiny ball” syndrome. People are constantly looking for some magic shiny object th
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