Sunday, September 14, 2008

Taking another Down Day

I'm letting the knee settle down a bit more.

My visit with the sports doctor is next Friday, but if things feel good I hope to hit the road again tomorrow.


Daisy said...

It really is the best thing to do. I've taken a break for a week before on the couch to 5K and I thought I would have lost progress or you know 'couldn't do it anymore', but I could.

Taking a week to recover really won't hurt your results!

Gary said...

I have to agree with Daisy,

Less is definitely more if you're carrying an injury.

Patience Batman

Patrick Batty said...

Yep. I agree. Even after about a week off, the knee is still hurting. I'm looking forward to at least getting a plan in place after my visit to the Doc.

Daisy said...

How's the knee doing, havent seen a new post yet, so I thought I'd ask here!