Thursday, September 11, 2008

W7D2 Mission Scrubbed.
I tried to get this run in today, but the knee was just too painful. I did about 2km in total only.

On a positive note, I booked an appt. to see a sports injury doctor for next Friday. He's the head doctor for both the Toronto and Mississauga Marathons, so I expect he's seen examples of my problem more than a few times.

I'm looking forward to getting this diagnosed and back on the road to recovery.

Depending on how things fell, I may give the W7D2 run another try tomorrow.

1 comment:

Daisy said...

Best thing to do to see a sports doctor. Hope he finds what's wrong and can give you some advice.

And 2km really isn't all that bad! You did go out and you were out there!