Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I redid C25K W5D2 today

and am quite pleased by the result.

It was a coolish day @ 22 celsius and 13 kpm winds but the asthma didn't kick in.

I don't have accurate stats as I accidentally turned off my workout on the Nike + at the 27:03 mark. However I went for a total of 37:36 . I'm not sure of the distance but it's somewhere in the 4km range.

I was very pleased with the workout as I never really felt like quitting the run early.

I think a pleasant change here was listening to a different podcast that took my mind off the running. Being I didn't have many intervals to track I just listened to a spoken word program and the time flew by.

Next up is W5D3 and my first 20 minute run.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Good luck no W5D3. You're doing so well, I bet it'll be over before you know it.