Friday, September 05, 2008

Shout Out to and from Phedippidations

Oh my. Today this little blog received a very nice shout out on my favourite podcast, Phedippidations. I may start having to be a lot more careful what I write on this simple little blog.

For those of you that haven't heard of Phedippidations I implore you to check it out. Quite simply it is the finest, most entertaining running podcast out there. Steve Walker, better known as Steve Runner has now developed and hosted 151 episodes of his program. It's an extremely entertaining show where he talks about running, runners, wine, family, marathons and life in general. Steve presents each podcast in a funny and highly interesting manner. Both the production quality and the content of Steve's podcast is second to none in the running world, and quite possibly in the entire world of podcasting. It's a fabulous approx. 1 hour program that Steve puts forward to the running community each and every week. He has both my gratitude for his show, and my respect for both his effort and his giving nature.
Thanks Steve,
Run Long and Taper.

Do yourself a favour and download Steve's show by searching Itunes for Phedippidations or go directly to

On another front, I've signed up for the 5K on Sept. 28 at the Toronto Waterfront Marathon. This run comes just 2 days after the culmination of my C25K plan, so the timing couldn't be better. The actual Marathon is one of two large ones in Toronto this fall. As such, it has a lot of extra events around it including a Fitness Expo, massages, etc. As a 5ker I wont participate is some of the events but I am looking forward to taking in the expo. Some big names in the world of running, such as John Bingham will we holding seminars. It should be a good event and it gives me a nice target for the end of the C25K program.

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